To find out more about any of the above pests just click on their image for detailed information about these specific Rodents
Rodents Arrest A Pest can help you eliminate your rodent problem. Our trained professionals will come to your house to get a sense for the issue, and find a proper plan of action. Rodents can be a huge hassle in the home. Once they build a nest, they are very taxing to get rid of. Rodents seek the warm cozy security of food, water, and warmth that your house provides. As soon as you sense that you have a rodent problem, you should call a professional. Rodents are a very dangerous pest in your home. They carry many harmful bacteria and diseases. They can also bring in ticks and fleas, which also carry diseases. Some rodent droppings befoul the surfaces that they come into contact with. If you come into contact with a rodent in your home, you should not handle it yourself. Any of the fluids that they carry, including their saliva, contains varying diseases and bacteria. If they come out of the walls, it could mean that your house is infested. In either case, you should call a professional such as Arrest A Pest to identify and remove the rodent. Rodents are consistently breeding. That means that are constantly multiplying within the walls of your home, making it harder to get rid of them. A professional can help you eliminate the rodents and then advise you on the places you need to seal. If you seal them before you eliminate the infestation in its entirety, they will just come back because they never really left. Therefore, it is crucial that you contact a professional so that they can help you take care of the issue the first time. There are many different tactics that you can encompass in order to prevent rodent infestations. Rodents like cardboard for their nests. Thus, you should not keep any cardboard boxes in the kitchen where they can come out to nest. Rodents are also attracted to cereals, different grains, and other dry foods. Therefore, you should keep these different food sources sealed in containers. You should never leave any food waste on your kitchen counters. This will attract the rodents and befoul the countertops if they get to it.You should store your vegetables and fruits away to prevent the attraction. Secure any point of entry and cover the pipes on your roof. Furthermore, you should plant your trees a good distance from your roof and home.These are the best preventative measure you can take. Arrest A Pest will inspect and take all of the most effective preventative measures possible. We know the damage that rodents can produce, so we want to catch them before the nest starts to grow rapidly. All of our plans are personalized to meet your needs. We will provide sanitation, trapping the rodents to reduce the population, and proof the house for them. Call us today to learn more!

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7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday - Saturday,
**Other hours may be available by request.
**Other hours may be available by request.
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